21 st Century Communists
We are rapidly moving toward fulfilling Karl Marx's prophecy about how Communism will evolve from Capitalism. Russian Communism, or Lenin-Marxism, resembled true Marxism as much as I resemble my fifth cousin, twice removed. Their only likeness was sharing a common name.
The Communism Marx envisioned would sprout from "within" a Capitalistic Society. Specifically, with the “working class” rebelling. Russia in 1917 did not have a large enough working class to accomplish this. In addition, Russia was not a true Capitalistic Society at that time and still isn’t. However, the United States of America has a middle-class or “working class” that fits the Marxist’s model. So, are there any indications that Marxism or “True Communism” could become a reality?
Yes, this is potentially happening before our eyes. These "neo-Communists," or “21st Century Communists,” labeled politically as ultra-liberals. However, the word “Communism” is never used. Likewise, the related label, “Socialism,” is rarely whispered in public. Yet, it is Socialism in its purest form currently preached by the “far left.” We are getting closer to this becoming a reality during this election year than ever before.
These people are not stupid; on the contrary, they are brilliant. They disguise themselves as being for the “working class,” while privately planning to control our private lives until we ultimately lose all of our individual freedoms. This Socialistic (it does sound better than "Communistic” doesn't it?) society is their eventual goal.
Recent comments by one of the presidential candidates made this perfectly clear. This individual believed their comments were expressed in a "safe, closed environment." That is, where only like-minded people would hear. To paraphrase the comments: “Small-town (aka, working class) people cling to their religion and guns when they become frustrated (bitter) with their lives. And that they do not understand or trust anyone different than themselves.”
What do the comments actually mean in clear English and in “non-political double talk? The comments, especially when placed in context, in supposed secrecy, mean this: "The common man (working class), does not have the capacity to think for themselves, and are simple minded. Therefore, we, the upper echelon party members must do this for the working class simpletons. It is our responsibility, and right, to perform this function because we know what is best for the people. We are more intelligent, better educated, and understand what is in the best interest for everyone.”
Furthermore, “We should not to be questioned! What gives anyone the right to contradict us? No one is intelligent or educated enough to hold differing views. Therefore, anyone that is brash enough to not support our enlightened word must be ignorant bigots! If they weren’t racist, or sexist, they would agree with us.”
“Communist” is by definition “non-Democratic.” That is, where a select few govern and maintain control over the masses without being fairly elected. The prototype for this governmental structure currently exists. “Elitist” Democratic Party members called Super Delegates are not elected during the Primary Election process. These Elitist party members do not have to follow the same standards and guidelines as the “simple minded” elected delegates.
Yes, we are rapidly progressing toward a potential Marxist society. The ultra-liberal politician publically champions the working class while they secretly plot to eliminate individual freedoms. By disguising their secret agenda, 21st Century Communists are deceiving many citizens. They use this voter gullibility to justify their actions. Their fundamental premise that the “working class” needs an Elite group to make important decisions and govern appears true. However, I totally disagree and believe that a well-informed populace can best govern itself!
I am NOT suggesting a return to the Fascist “Communist Hunting” antics of the 1950s. The far right, ultra-conservatives or Fascists, are as dangerous to our individual freedoms as are Communists. I address the dangers of Fascism in a future blog. What I am asking, no, pleading for, is that we all wake up and smell the manure spewing from politician’s mouths. We must stop being blinded by charisma. The highest office in the land, and the most powerful individual in the world, MUST be a person of the highest character! Someone who has been, is, and will always be, a true patriot!
I agree completely with your remarks. But do the people of this United States really care enough or want freedom enough to take heed? It would appear that there has been so many people already that has bought into the manure that you speak about; is it possible that it may be too late?
A true patriot? Indeed and it makes a person wonder how communist Obama was ever elected, voter fraud comes to mind. We American's have had enough of his lawlessness you can see a Red Nation Rising to the call of Lady Liberty's distress New leadership is coming and we've been drinking the tea instead of the koolaid Freedom will always ring out here in this great country. We want Barry O drug off in chains as well, an American traitor that he is.
The way Obama was re-elected, once he was uncovered by the majority of the electorate, was too many so-called "Conservatives" stayed home did not vote in 2012. Their "excuse" was Mitt was not "Conservative." AND OBAMA WAS/IS!? Give me a break! By staying home and NOT VOTING those so-called "Conservatives" were actually LIBERALS because they actually VOTED, by NOT voting, for Obama and elected him! SMART! I hope and pray they learned that no matter WHO the REPUBLICAN candidate in 2016 they'll be MORE CONSERVATIVE than the DEMOKRATS! Reagan believed get 80% of what you want and you were victorious. Today's so-called "Conservatives" all-or-nothing will always end in NOTHING!
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