Friday, May 16, 2008

Important Traits Required for President

“Character, who one associates with, and one’s core values," are most important in Presidential elections.

American Citizens have and are still suffering, because some previous President’s did not possess the same core values as the majority of Americans. Based on examples, we will attempt to predict what we can expect from Obama.

Should Obama's associations with individuals possessing “less than mainstream-American-values,” be addressed?

If memory serves, didn't the Clinton's receive huge "contributions" from many Chinese during their first 8-year tour in the White House? What did this money buy? We will not discuss here any “personal commissions” taken along the way. The most relevant purchases, to everyday Americans, are larger than typical trade agreements between the US and China, especially large import agreements. Just a few examples of what Chinese trade agreements cost Americans are:

1. Increased cheap imports, they are cheap because the Chinese produce them with inferior materials and “slave-labor,” these include nearly all consumer goods, from toys to medicine and beyond.

2. Hundreds of toy recalls during the Christmas shopping season because of "unsafe construction," and MOST IMPORTANT, recalled because of LEAD paint. Parents remember this. The widespread use of lead based paint appeared to me to be more than an "accident." It was too wide spread, and targeted the long-term health of an exceptionally vulnerable population, our children!

3. There have been numerous recalls of medicine because of the use of "wrong" chemicals. Again, I personally don't think the Chinese considered the chemicals that killed a few US citizens to be "wrong." It is my opinion these "mistakes" are actually calculated and premeditated.

4. There are other related examples; we hear them frequently on newscasts.

Because of his money ties with the Chinese, Clinton pushed for major trade agreements with China, and they have been using these products to harm our citizens. The worst of this is their targeting our children with "lead poisoning."

Answer to the question:

We reviewed what resulted from the Clinton's "associations," so, what "imports" would we be required to suffer from Obama's "associations?” He has current, as reported by national TV newscasts, associations with radical left wing (neo-communists), domestic terrorists, and fanatical racists. Even more telling are his own, “Elitist” comments, and his wife’s comments about never being proud of her country until now, may give a hint.

If “Rev.” Wright and related individuals were "white," and spoke as they do, but substituting "white" for black, there would be an outcry of bigotry and racism, and it is just that. However, such rhetoric coming from African-Americans or other minority groups gets an automatic “Get Out Of Jail” card anytime they use race-baiting language. Reality is any individual, racial minority group, or an ethnic minority group, can be, an often are, prejudiced. Stating this openly as I have done, may result in my arrest by the "Political Correctness Police." If so, would anyone be willing to bail me out of “Political Correctness Jail?”

Obama's recent "past" KNOWN, associations with these people, and his campaign "promise" to meet with the leaders of international terrorist groups, and/or leaders of countries that are known to "support" terrorist groups. What kind of "imports" can we expect should he actually keep his "promises?" How does it go? "It is intuitively obvious to the causal observer..."

Jimmy Carter, Obama's closest political relative, gave away strategic geographical areas (e.g. Panama Canal), and deserted an ally (the Shah of Iran). These and similar actions by Carter have led us, and the entire world, to where we are. Because of his "neo-communist" policies, we are waging a global war on terrorism. Are Obama's "campaign promises" the next step on the road to our final ruin?

Almost everyone knows Hillary's skeletons, including one of her biggest skeleton, the tall one making campaign speeches for her.

If I sound bigoted, rest assured I am not. It’s a terrible shame, that if we are white, we become defensive and “walk as on egg shells” when discussing race or gender. “Political Correctness” labels a white person a “racist” if they openly disagree about anything with a black candidate. Likewise, a man will be labeled sexist if he disagrees with a female candidate about anything. Therefore, I would like to go on the record and say that I would very easily and quickly vote and even campaign for, an African-American for President, just NOT Obama. I wish Gen. C. Powell would run. I'd knock on doors for him until my knuckles bleed! I would also have no problem supporting a woman, I just don't know of any at this time. I only know it would NOT be Hillary.

It is my opinion that "character, who one associates with, and one’s core values," are most important in Presidential elections. This is because the President is the leader of the free world. They are continually tested, and will often have to choose what is best for the country and world, or how a decision affects their "personal ratings."

That is why history and posterity will judge GW Bush very positively. For example, notice when you listen to him speaking, he sounds as confident as if he had a “performance rating” of over 90%. The reason is he has stayed true to his personal values and places the needs of our nation over "personal popularity.” His confident demeanor results from his clear conscience.

By comparison, can anyone seriously believe Clinton or Obama would do the same? We know Obama’s “role model,” Jimmy Carter, can’t say this. He demonstrated once again that he places his personal agenda above the strategic needs of our nation. Carter recently met with the Leader of a Middle East Terrorist Group in open defiance of our State Department and our official national foreign policy.

The terrorist organization he attempted to legitimatize has only one goal: They exist only for the total annihilation of Israel. Carter tried to rationalize his meeting as “opening up communications.” However, he has no official position and is now a private citizen. The real reason for his visit was to “snub” Israel and to embarrass our government. Carter has made it clear to any objective observer his disdain for Jews and for the state of Israel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are dead on with your comments, J.M. I appreciate you standing up for what you believe. when so many in tha silent majority are letting our country go to crap cause they are afraid what they say is not polically correct. rather than stand for what is right and common sense can lead the way on some many of these issues. Thank you, again.

September 4, 2009 at 9:07 PM  

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